Jul 132012

I was trying to integrate CA Spectrum with CA NetQOS/NPC and it kept failing with a Bind Failure message when I tried to add Spectrum as a data source.
The error was that I was missing the netqos_integ.interface_addresses table.

Turns out that the integration did not work as it was supposed to, and I had to drop the 4 tables that was in the netqos_integ database, restart the OneClick services on the OneClick server, and then do the integration again. After I did that, I was able to add in Spectrum as a data source.

To check to see if the table really is missing or not, you can login to the MySQL instance on the OneClick server by running these commands on the OneClick server

cd $specroot\mysql\bin
./mysql -uroot -proot netqos_integ
show tables;

This will spit out a list of tables, of which interface_addresses should be one.
If it’s not there, then you may have the option of fixing it if the format file is around.
To do that, quit the MySQL command line client first, and then find your way to the data directory.

cd $specroot\mysql\data\netqos_integ

If there is a filed called interface_addresses.MYD or a couple of files called interface_addresses.MYI and .FRM then you can run this command in the MySQL command line client to repair the table

repair table interface_addresses USE_FRM;

Otherwise, if there’s no format file, then drop the tables, and then do the integration again.

drop tables;

Then restart the OneClick services via services.msc and try again.

Hope this helps someone out there !

Jul 042012

I recently stuffed up a NPC install, so I had to reinstall from scratch. However I neglected to remove the eHealth instance as a data source before I wiped NPC. When I tried to add eHealth as a data source again, I would get this error –
Unable to add eHealth as data souce - associated to another instance

After some searching, I found this command which fixed it for me.
These commands need to be run on the eHealth Host.
*note* If you’re using windows, type in “bash” before you run the command.
$NH_HOME/bin/sys/nhisql "delete from nh_metadata where subject_area='NPC'"
