Apr 272015

My Mobile Phone provider sends me bills via email which is all good and dandy, but for some odd reason the email addresses that the bills are sent from are never the same.
They change the number on the end like this –


This makes GMail’s filtering useless as it cannot filter by only domain, or so I thought.

After some Googling, I found out that you can actually use the following RegEx in the GMail search bar to search via domain of the email sender – (online2|online3|online4).provider.com

Using the RegEx, I got all the emails from *@online.provider.com, which means that I can now automatically label all the emails that come from my Mobile Phone provider using a filter, or so I hope.
I’ve set up the filter now, just waiting on a bill to come through so I can verify that it works 🙂

Updated the example to a better example, and This is what I found in case anyone was wondering
