Dec 222014

I recently had some issues with my single pfSense VM crashing, bringing down the whole entire network with it.

I thought the problem was flakey hardware, so I setup a second pfSense VM…and that crashed too.
So I decided to setup pfSense in high availability mode with CARP. The only problem there being that I’m on ADSL, with a single modem to share between 2 pfSense servers.

After I followed the CARP Guide from pfSense, I’d end up with 2 PPPoE sessions open. One from each pfSense server.

The solution to that was to change the WAN interface configuration on the backup CARP node to be a dial-on-demand configuration, and by disabling apinger by disabling Gateway Monitoring. With this configuration, since the backup node has no traffic directed at it, the WAN link stays down until the primary CARP node goes down. Then, the backup node will establish a PPPoE session to the internet.

Dec 112014

I’ve had to calculate working time between 2 dates as part of a dashboarding project.
As a result, I’ve built a function to do this for me.

First though I needed the public holidays to make sure that public holidays weren’t counted.
As an example, I’ve only used a couple of days, formatted like ’24-04′.
I’ve stored this in an external php file called hols.php, however this can also be contained within the script.

Then for the main function. This takes 2 dateTime objects to compare. If the start is after the end, then it will return 0.

function work_minutes($dtStart,$dtEnd) {
if($dtStart > $dtEnd) {
return 0;

$di1Day = new DateInterval('P1D');
$workStartHour = 7; // When the work day starts
$workEndHour = 17; // When the work day ends
$workMinutes = 0; // Initialise the running counter that keeps tracks of the minutes of working time

$diffDays = $dtStart->diff($dtEnd)->format("%a"); // Get the number of days between the 2 timestamps, and add a day to ensure that all the days are checked.

for($x = 0; $x <= $diffDays+1; $x++) { if($dtStart->format('N') < 6) { // checks that it's on a monday-friday if(!in_array($dtStart->format('d-m'),$hols)) { // checks that it's not a public holiday

// Create a couple of new DateTime objects to define the start and end of
// the working day. These will be used to compare against when looping
// through each day to calculate the working minutes.

$dtStartOfDay = new DateTime($dtStart->format('Y-m-d').' '.$workStartHour.':00:00');
$dtEndOfDay = new DateTime($dtStart->format('Y-m-d').' '.$workEndHour.':00:00');
$signStart = '';
$signEnd = '';

// Compare the start of the day, if the starting DateTime Object is before the start of the working day, then the script will calculate the working time from
// the start of the day rather than the starting DateTime Object as any time before the start of the working day is irrelevant.
// The end DateTime objects are compared in a similar way. If the end DateTime object is before the end of the working day, that is used to compare, otherwise
// the end of the day is used to compare.

if($dtStartOfDay >= $dtStart) {
if($dtEndOfDay <= $dtEnd){ $arrDiff = explode(' ',$dtStartOfDay->diff($dtEndOfDay)->format('%H %i));
$signStart = $dtStartOfDay->diff($dtEndOfDay)->format('%R');
} else {
$arrDiff = explode(' ',$dtStartOfDay->diff($dtEnd)->format('%H %i));
$signStart = $dtStartOfDay->diff($dtEnd)->format('%R');

// When the starting DateTime object provided is after the start of the working day, then that will be used to calculate working minutes.
} else {
if($dtEndOfDay <= $dtEnd){ $arrDiff = explode(' ',$dtStart->diff($dtEndOfDay)->format('%H %i));
$signEnd = $dtStart->diff($dtEndOfDay)->format('%R');
} else {
$arrDiff = explode(' ',$dtStart->diff($dtEnd)->format('%H %i));
$signEnd = $dtStart->diff($dtEnd)->format('%R');

// intDiff contains the amount of minutes that was calculated as the amount of time between the start DateTime/Start of the day and end DateTime/End of the day.
$intDiff = $arrDiff[0]*60+$arrDiff[1];
// if theres any negative values, e.g. Starting DateTime stamp was after the end DateTime, the value is ignored, otherwise it adds to the running tally.
if($signStart != '-' && $signEnd != '-') {
$workMinutes += $intDiff;
// Add a day, and loop again.

return $workMinutes;
