Aug 032012

One of the other issues I’ve had with integrating OneClick with Business Objects is this error :

Error importing SRM content: Required dependencies not found on target system : [AQuGhZ2EfP1NkSXoQTUcKz0, AQck.q67O5dHtfsJTBBtsU0]

To fix this error, I had to set a system variable for JAVA_HOME via System Properties -> Advanced Tab -> Environment Variables. The JAVA_HOME variable should be pointing to the built in JDK, normally the path is C:\Program Files\SC\CommonReporting3\javasdk but this will need to suit your environment.

Once the variable has been set, you will need the install media to run the biconfig.bat file.
The file is located in the directory Disk1\cabi\biconfig on the install media.

Once you have changed into that directory, run this command replacing the parameters with one suited to your environment.
biconfig.bat -h “BOXI hostname" -u "Administrator" -p “admin password" -f “CABI install media directory\Disk1\cabi\content\cabi_default_groups.xml" -if “CABI install media directory\Disk1\cabi\content\ CABI_DefaultGroups.biar”

After this has been run, the integration should now work.
