Apr 162015

I’ve been setting up SNMP Traps on Zabbix 2.4 to replace our current in place monitoring solution.
One of the hurdles that I’ve come across is trying to get all the traps setup.

An easy way of doing this is getting the MIB files for the traps that you’re getting, and converting them into configuration files for SNMPTT to use to parse the traps.
The snmpttconvertmib command will take a MIB file as an input, and spit out a configuration file suitable for SNMPTT.
Using an Oracle MIB file as an example –

snmpttconvertmib --in=ORACLE-ENTERPRISE-MANAGER-4-MIB.mib --out=/etc/snmp/snmptt.conf.ora-em4

This will produce a file for SNMPTT but Zabbix will not parse the traps yet as the FORMAT line isn’t quite what we need yet.
Next, we’ll use sed to do a global search and replace to make sure the FORMAT lines conform to the format that Zabbix requires.

sed -i 's/FORMAT/FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA/g' /etc/snmp/snmptt.conf.ora-em4

The configuration file then needs to be added to the list of files that SNMPTT uses to parse the traps.
Open /etc/snmp/snmptt.ini file – assuming it’s in the default location – and scroll right down to the bottom of the file.
You will see the following lines –

snmptt_conf_files = <<END

Add the file you’ve just created to the end like so –

snmptt_conf_files = <<END

And you should start getting SNMP traps appearing in Zabbix – assuming you’ve already set up the item.


  2 Responses to “Converting MIB files for use with SNMPTT and ZABBIX 2.4”

  1. is There some misstake?!

    We need to make change
    “snmptt_conf_files = <"
    "snmptt_conf_files = <"
    there is not differences.

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