May 132011

Hi all,

I’ve recently noticed that there are a few visitors nowadays browsing my site.
I know that there’s not much on here at the moment, but any feedback you’ve got to give will be very welcome 🙂
I’m working on getting some more content up and some regular updates, but if there is anything that you like about my blog, don’t like, or just want to say hi, please feel free to comment on any of my articles.
Or even send me an email :).

I look forward to hearing from my readers however few there may be 🙂
Perhaps everyone would like a shoutbox or something similar ?
Any ideas or anything, please comment on this post and I will consider every idea and suggestion 🙂

Have a great morning, afternoon, and evening everyone.

Apr 132011

So I’ve decided to start blogging again, if only to keep me sane, and any rambles etc will have to go into General.

At the moment, I’m trying to decide whether to stay at my current job or find a new one.

My current job has opportunities, but I don’t seem to be getting anywhere fast, although my lack of certifications probably doesn’t help. Maybe I shouldn’t do IT anymore ?

Something tells me I should at least stay for a year and see how that goes, but I really need more money now, but not sure if I can even make more on my rather limited qualifications. If only I could show people I do have experience that would be FanTABulous, however I seem to be lacking in opportunities there as well.

Maybe I should be an auto sparky…hmmm.
